
Membership Categories

Support Initiative for Youths and Children Affairs International (SIYCAI) organization shall be open to all young people in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions, those without formal educational training and anyone who has the passion and capacity to contribute to the development of young people.

There exist six categories of membership as listed below:

This shall be the first stage of membership for all those interested in the organization. This membership shall be
open to every child, youth or even adult who is interested in either receiving help or rendering help to the world of
young people in order to create a healthy society and safe world.

These shall comprise of largely youths who are active members of the organization. An active member (Golden Member) shall be considered in good standing if he or she:

  1. Attends meetings of the organization regularly.
  2. Shows interest in, and take part in the affairs and progress of the organization.
  3. Acts in a manner agreeable to the ideas of the organization which are hinged on good character, self-discovery and active participation in community based activities, national development and global peace.

These are members who are not golden members but support members who are contributing to the development of the organization in one way or the other. In other words, these members do not show full participation, but still supports the organization in their own outstanding way. These are SIYCAI ambassadors.

These are largely adults who are morally upright in the society. These can be Nigerians or Foreigners. They are made up of people who possess excellent qualities and passion to contribute effectively to the development of youths and children through mentoring and other forms of support. All members of the Board of Trustee and Patrons are automatically diamond mentor members.

These are children who are discovered by chance or any other means with the aims of mentoring them into fulfilling their destinies and develop the giants in them through Various activities that will develop them into good ambassadors of the organization and the human communities at large.

This membership shall be open to all children especially those in primary school. They are also to be exposed to children development programmes and activities. They will be supplied with materials that will enhance healthy
childhood and develop them into good ambassadors of the organization and the human communities at large.

This membership shall be open to all students in secondary school/Institution. They will be exposed to programmes and activities that will enable them discover their purposes and fulfil them. They will also be supplied with support materials and training on how to provide support for indigent students and humanity at large.

This membership shall be open to all students in higher institutions. They will be exposed to programmes and activities that will enable them discover their hidden talents and help them to add value to them for wealth creation. They will also be supplied with support materials and training on how to provide support for humanity.

Governing Council Members

These are the governing body of the organization:
  1. President – Engr. Olasoju Samson.
  2. Vice-President – Mrs. Oludare Kehinde.
  3. Gen. Secretary – Amb. Aliu Olalekan.
  4. Asst. Gen. Sec – Mr. Owoseni Kunle.
  5. Treasurer – Mrs. Etim Sonayon.
  6. Fin. Sec. – Mr. Omoteso Omowole.
  7. P.R.O – Miss. Akande Gracious.
  8. Programme Coordinator – Mr. Oikelome Ordia