About Us

A Few Words

About Us

It is a global stance that the youths and children are highly vulnerable in every society. Most contemporary social vices such as cultism, hooliganism, alcoholism, violence, smoking, etc are usually found among young people. Most young people do not even understand how to go about choice of career neither how to meet other social needs of life. Child labour is rampant in most African states, where children are exposed to labor as against the recommendations and positions of International Labour Organizations (ILO) and United Nations International Children Education Fund (UNICEF). The youths and children are therefore faced with various challenges globally with most African countries inclusive. It is against this backdrop that Support Initiative for Youths and Children Affairs International (SIYCAI) is put in place to address most of the challenges facing young people, including children. 

SIYCAI is a non-governmental organization which is borne out of burden to encourage, motivate, educate, train, sponsor and empower young people with the purpose of developing in them moral values and functional skills that will make them relevant in their work places, community activities, national programmes and global participation in realization of a healthy environment and peaceful world.

Our Vision

To be one of the leading and one of the best non-governmental organizations that will reduce to the barest minimum poverty, social vices and other challenges associated with young people as well as create awareness on how young people can impact their world and contribute effectively to global peace.

Our Mission

To provide effective, efficient and healthy service that are quantitative, qualitative and accessible by young people (and all those who which to contribute to youth and children development), using skillful and experience personnel, appropriate technology as well as provide the enabling facilities for effective training and research on children and youth development.

SIYCAI – impact, purpose and change

Mode of Operation

To provide effective, efficient and healthy service that are quantitative, qualitative and accessible by young people (and all those who which to contribute to youth and children development), using skillful and experience personnel, appropriate technology as well as provide the enabling facilities for effective training and research on children and youth development.

Our Core Values
  • Knowledge and creativity.
  • Character and integrity.
  • Commitment and balanced social value.
  • Responsibility and accountability.
  • Volunteer services and winning spirit.
  • Social work and humanitarian services.
Fundamental Principles
  • It uses practical, informal and formal educational
    methods, while stressing the value of self-discovery.
  • Its emphasis is not profit-making based on selfless service.
  • It ensures that young people are assisted to help
    themselves and their communities.
  • It is not a religion based organization but will employ Godly principles to develop in young people core moral
    values for meaningful impact in this challenging world.
  • It will operate locally and internationally.
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Years of Experience