
Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of SIYCAI organization shall include the following:
  1. To motivate young people through activities that will stimulate them to discover and fulfill their purposes of existence in order to contribute meaningfully to their communities and the human society at large.
  2. To develop powers of good and qualitative leadership in young people in order to creates a new Nigeria and a better world.
  3. To develop entry level skills for young people that will prepare them for work.
  4. To develop from time to time training programmes in form of formal and informal education, workshops, conferences, symposium etc. that will create in young people sense of national development and maintenance of global peace.
  5. To raise a foundation for young people through sponsorship of their education, entrepreneurial programmes and development activities within the rural and urban center.
  6. To provide non-interest loan for educational and youth/child development activities.
  7. To reward (award) and promote young people and any person that contributes meaningfully to the development of young people in relation to the dream of having a healthy nation and maintenance of global peace.
  8. To let young people, understand through counseling and mentoring that it is the culture of hard-work, focus, diligence, integrity and virtue that will make them impact their world. So they can be good Nigerian citizen and global ambassador.
  9. To stimulate in young people, the good values, effective choice making mechanisms and responsibility to humanity and global environment.
  10. To provide healthy sex education and support for sexually abused young people.
  11. To carry out any other functions that will have good impact on the overall development of young people.

Key Performance Area

  1. Choice of career guidance and life decision counseling and mentorship.
  2. Consistent academic follow-up.
  3. Education linkage and support.
  4. Education sponsorship, grants and loan for indigent
  5. Talent discovery and development activities
  1. Awareness on safety, health and healthy living.
  2. Balanced sex education including education on
    sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Healthy pleasure.
  4. Engaging and encouraging youths on environmental
    and sanitation management.
  5. Combating and managing teenage pregnancy.
  1. Providing leadership training and support.
  2. Providing human and leadership development
  3. Entrepreneurship skill development and training.
  4. Young professionals and young entrepreneurs’ hub.
  5. Community development activities.
  1. Youths empowerment (through vocational training).
  2. Fight against child-labour.
  3. Focusing on the girl-child welfare.
  4. Support for any activity that promote the welfare of
    young people.
  5. Visiting and providing supports for motherless
    homes, IDP camps, hospitals, etc.